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出典:「大辞典」第21巻 昭和11年5月刊 平凡社 発行者下中弥三郎
April 20th, 2021
テキサスだより②Deep Divisions Threaten Unity
Shannon Morales
Amid entrenched views, is the U.S. truly indivisible anymore?
Anyone who has spent time in the U.S. has likely experienced the pledge of allegiance, recited while facing the flag, with one’s hand placed over one’s heart. Near the end of the pledge comes the word “indivisible,” meaning unable to be divided. Americans recite the pledge regularly, without giving much thought to the words or their legitimacy. But the claim of “indivisible” feels precarious lately, as American society has grown more and more divided.
While America has always been home to opposing – and sometimes sharply contrasting – viewpoints, both the country’s elected leaders and its society in general have traditionally been able to either compromise or find ways to get along and function while agreeing to disagree. However, lately, I sense that the country’s ability to do that is floundering. Specific areas marked by sharp divisions at the moment include the coronavirus pandemic response, racial discrimination, government financial aid, immigration and border control, and voting rights.
Deep divisions on these and other issues exist not only at the national or party level, but also at the person-to-person level. Before, it was quite common to be blissfully unaware of the political leanings of family and friends, and to not wonder or care what they thought about politically contentious issues. Now, however, it seems that everyone wears their opinions on their sleeve, and contentious subjects are harder to avoid in ordinary conversations. I have seen friendships dissolve due to arguments over differing viewpoints, and I myself have faced relationship dilemmas after discovering discrepancies in fundamental values in recent years.
I believe social media is largely responsible for the heightened polarization we see these days. For various reasons, platforms like Facebook and Twitter tend to amplify people’s differences and encourage hostility toward people who hold opposing views. That is due in part to how they group people according to their viewpoints, ensuring that people see news and comments that align with things they’ve “liked” or posted in the past. Another contributing factor is the ease of forwarding or reposting pre-fabricated memes or posts, which reduces the need to critically think or write something in one’s own words.
While I don’t foresee social media’s negative impact relenting anytime soon, I am optimistic that things will improve and may already be starting to do so. Not only is President Joe Biden known for his healing, unifying nature, but perhaps the greatest healing impact on the country right now stems from President Donald Trump’s media silence. The absence of Trump’s incessant barrage of insults and provocations has allowed the country to breathe and given it a chance to begin the healing process.
Healing will require Americans to make a concentrated effort to move past the divisions that have become dangerously entrenched in the last few years. We must pro-actively smooth over differences with neighbors, strive to heal broken relationships, and deliberately practice acceptance and peacemaking, if we hope to regain the civility and harmony that are essential for our nation to function smoothly.
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